


Calcium Hydroxyapatite (CaHA) is a natural component of our bones and teeth and has been used in medicine for over 30 years.

It is a valuable and effective filler in the class of injectable implants available. It stimulates the production of normal collagen being a powerful biostimulator and offers excellent aesthetic results for a variety of indications.

It is considered the longest lasting anti-aging product, but a non-permanent filler and is highly biocompatible with human tissue.

It contains 30% uniform CaHA microspheres (25-45 µm) which intertwine with tissue collagen fibers and activate fibroblasts, resulting in increased production of collagen fibers (neo-collagenogenesis) and visible improvement in skin density.

Its injection activates the fibroblasts for a long period of time (up to 12 months), while after its absorption, it is replaced by a rich network of collagen fibers, maintaining the effect for up to 2 years.


Calcium Hydroxyapatite (CaHa):

- Has an “Anti-aging” feature with the ability to regenerate the muscle, bone, cartilage, and skin at the same time.

- Provides natural reconstruction by triggering new collagen formation. In this way, it helps obtain a more natural appearance compared to other fillers.

- Stimulates fibroblasts in addition to the filling effect following application.

- The skin quality and thickness increase in a very short time with the stimulation of collagen. It offers a lively and bright appearance.

- It offers a flexible and formal skin effect with elastin increase.

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